Planning for college, especially in these times, can be intimidating. With a multitude of options, soaring tuition, increased competition and the rapidly evolving demands of our 21st century economy, it can be challenging to try to find the right match, earn acceptance, and minimize costs.

I’m here to help you better understand and navigate every step of the process, providing the individualized guidance, preparation, and support necessary to make thoughtfully considered, forward-looking and financially sound decisions.


Getting young adults to think critically about what they want out of the college experience and beyond allows us to customize a list of the most suitable learning environments. Not only are they more likely to find themselves at a fantastic school that’s going to support their academic, social and career path, they’ll also have learned essential decision-making skills that they’ll rely on when making other life decisions, both big and small.


I offer a range of highly personalized services that can be tailored to meet each family’s needs, whether that’s an hour or two of essay and application review, advice on how to curate an Activities List, a financial aid breakdown or a comprehensive consulting package. It’s all right here.

Full Range College Planning Services
  • Evaluation of student's record, including high school transcript, standardized testing, extracurricular activities, special talents and meaningful commitments.

  • In depth interview to assess educational, personal and career goals and develop an overall strategy for the application process.

  • Administration of personal interest inventories and discussion of potential majors and careers.

  • Creation of a standardized testing timeline, individualized preparation plan; score submission advice; strategies for targeting and optimizing merit-based aid opportunities.

  • Exploring options for sophomore and junior summer activities.

  • Development and on-going revision of a ‘smart ’college list to match student’s interests, abilities, and goals.

  • Establishing a ‘Demonstrated Interest’ plan.

  • Organization with College Planner Pro- a 24/7 online college planning and application management tool.

  • College visit and admissions interview advice and preparation

  • Supporting students and families in understanding the fundamentals of financial aid, including how to calculate a SAI / EFC and estimate need-based awards and non-need based merit-aid. Assistance filling out the FAFSA and CSS Profile.

  • Assistance with application strategies, discussion of early application versus regular application options.

  • Assistance with preparation of activities list, resume and selection of recommendation letter writers.

  • Assistance with the Common Application, topic development, critique, editing and review of the Common Application essay and all supplemental essays. 

  • Guidance on how to appeal financial aid and merit-based awards.

  • Support with final enrollment decision; strategies for deferral, wait-list processes, if necessary.

Services listed are provided on an hourly basis or included as part of a comprehensive package. Please contact me for a detailed fee schedule.